[Rinky Nurul](https://www.linkedin.com/in/rinkynurul/), aspiring illustrator, just trying to get things done.
Self portrait by [Gavin Lawrence](https://www.instagram.com/shinobiscribbl/) who "badly makes pictures move".
Having a sense of confidence means that you have a kind heart, you are trusted by others. You believe in yourself. I believe confidence is vital in life. – Fortune Ndlova, web developer
by Saoirse Stephens 2D Animator.I feel most myself right here. I love my hair, its curls, its poofiness and especially how cloud-like it is.
Photographer Berit Alits in a Fairytale Setting
Image from Creative Multimedia Graduate Berit Alits I think autumn is wonderful season for communions. And this place where I took Orna’s communion photos, looked like Irish fairytale. – Berit Alits
The Long Workflow of Perfectionism
Being a perfectionist makes my workflow long but I think it’s worth it to get a great result. Although I should probably learn to trust my abilities more. – Katie Mulligan, illustrator and animator
by Marshall O’Connor, ink and paint artistConcept Sketch for a horror movie after visiting The Apple Farm.