More than 80 students and friends met last night in Baker’s Bar of Clonmel for a Story Slam. They told stories that they produced during as part of class work on campus.

Because storytelling is at the heart of human experience, we have several academic modules that show students how to connect, share, and inspire through stories that they create. This is also a powerful tool for businesses.

In today’s digital age, consumers want more than just a product or service. They’re looking for experiences and connections—they want to hear stories about how a business can help them with something they need. 💡

The TUS Creative Media and User Experience Design degree develops storytelling skills. Those storytelling skills can help businesses to connect with their audiences on a deeper level. Storytelling humanises your brands, sets businesses apart from the competition, and builds a strong community around products or services. 💞

Think about it. Would you rather buy a product from a faceless company or from a brand with a story that resonates with you? A brand that shares your values, understands your struggles, and celebrates your victories? 🎯🎉

On the Clonmel campus, we believe in the power of storytelling. We’re not just promoting our Honours Degrees. We’re sharing a journey, a vision, a story. And our Story Slam sessions show our students want to be a part of it. 🚀🌈

#Storytelling #BrandStory #ClonmelDigital #Inspire